Mary's Alabaster Bracelet, unique Mother's Day Gift, Christian
Mary's Alabaster Bracelet
In the Books of Matthew 26:7, Mark 14:3, Luke 7:37 and John 11:13 speak of Jesus as the guest of honor at this gathering, and as He sits and eats, Mary of Bethany enters the room with an alabaster box of perfume. Scripture identifies this perfume as spikenard, which was a very expensive fragrance imported from India.
Alabaster historically was a symbol of purity and great honor. This small container had no cap that screwed on, or a top that sprayed a fine mist, nor was there a stopper that could be removed so the jar could be preserved in pristine condition. That was the way the maker of the jar designed it. It was valued at three hundred pence, which was the equivalent of a year’s salary for a common worker.
Mary broke open the alabaster container to anoint Jesus' feet and his head before the last supper. Some believe this was all she possessed so she gave everything she had, we, like Mary, come to Jesus with all that we have of value, ourselves. He then indwells us and becomes the costly oil. However, notice that in order for the precious oil to be released the vessel had to be broken as we are. This is the way we are designed, we are vessels made by the hand of the Almighty God for the specific purpose of the indwelling of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. It is through trials and tribulations that we are broken and what is inside (Christ) the precious oil begins to come out.
Materials: Alabaster, Bronze, Pewter